Course Description

Course Description

Only certain energy systems are firing for specific tasks, right? Think again. All energy systems are working all the time. In this webinar, Bill will discuss the basics of the alactic, lactic, and aerobic energy systems or otherwise respectively known as the ATP/CP-Phosphagen, Glycolytic, and Oxidative systems. You will learn how training bouts and intensity affect the interaction of these systems and the amount of energy supplied.


Bill Hartman , PT, CSCS

Bill Hartman C.S.C.S., P.T., is one of the world's top experts in kinesiology. After many years as a competitive bodybuilder, Hartman became a regular contributor to Men's Health and author of Lose the Last 10. Hartman is renowned for his ability to accurately diagnose and prescribe corrective action for nagging injuries and is the mastermind behind the intense strength-aerobic workout the Russian Fat Loss Secret. His most recent project is the DVD Inside-Out: The Ultimate Upper Body Warm-up.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Energy Systems Primer

    • Energy Systems Primer PDF

    • Energy Systems Primer Video

    • Energy Systems Primer Quiz

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